Fernando Díaz
Fernando Díaz Morales (Ferfolio) is a Lic. Graphic designer born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1988. Country delegate of AtypI (Association Typographique International). - Teacher of ‘Typography I’ & ‘Typography II’ at ORT University. - Instructor at Type Camp Brazil 2012 - Co-Funder of TipoType.com: the first type foundry of Uruguay. - Co-Funder of 'Sociedad Tipográfica de Montevideo' (Montevideo’s Tipographic Society). - Co-Funder of FontsForHope.com: a font distribution project in which you help causes by buying fonts. - Participated in the book 'Tipografía Latinoamericana {Un panorama actual y futuro}' compiled by Vicente Lamónaca. - He has given workshops and conferences about typedesign and calligraphy in Latin America. More info: www.ferfolio.com/about
7 fuente familias de Fernando Díaz

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


    Etiquetas relacionadas
