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por HiH
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Familia completa de 4 fuentes: $30.00 USD
Morris Fuente La familia era diseñada por William Morris y publicado por HiH. Morris contiene 4 estilos y opciones de paquetes familiares.

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    Morris Family

    4 fuentes

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    Sobre la familia Morris Fuente

    Morris es una familia de cuatrofuente producida por HiH Retrofonts y basada en la obra del muy inglés William Morris. William Morris quería un tipo gótico inspirado en la tradición de las letras negras del siglo XIV, que admiraba tanto estilística como filosóficamente. Se inspiró en varias fuentes. Su principal inspiración para la minúscula fue la Biblia de 1462 de Peter Schoeffer de Maguncia, especialmente notable por la primera aparición de la "oreja" en la g. Las mayúsculas eran una amalgama de las cursivas italianas de los siglos XII al XV, un ejemplo moderno de las cuales son las mayúsculas lombardas de Goudy. La letra gótica diseñada por Morris fue utilizada por primera vez por Kelmscott Press para la publicación de Historyes Of Troye en 1892. Se llamó "Troy Type" y fue cortada a 18 puntos por Edward Prince. También se utilizó para The Tale of Beowulf. El tipo de letra se volvió a cortar a 12 puntos y se llamó "Chaucer Type" para su uso en The Order of Chivalry y The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. El objetivo de Morris al diseñar su gótica no era sólo conservar el color y la presencia de sus fuentes, sino crear letras más legibles para el ojo inglés. ATF copió Troya y la llamó Satanick. La versión de ATF no sólo fue popular en Estados Unidos, sino que, curiosamente, se vendió muy bien en Alemania. En aquel país existía un gran interés por encontrar un término medio entre la letra negra y la romana, que resultara cómodo para un público más amplio. El diseño Morris se consideró una de las soluciones más exitosas. Nuestra interpretación, que llamamos Morris Gothic, sigue sustancialmente el modelo Petzendorfer utilizado por otras versiones que hemos visto, con las siguientes excepciones: 1) un radio de filete más grande en el brazo superior de la H, 2) un trazo más típicamente ancho en lugar de la cola de zorro en la Q, que no me gusta, 3) la inclusión de la oreja antes mencionada en la g y 4) un descendente ligeramente más corto en la y. Hemos incluido cinco ornamentos, en las posiciones 0135, 0137, 0167, 0172 y 0177. Puede acceder a las ligaduras alemanas "ch" y "ck" con las teclas de llaves izquierda y derecha (0123 y 0125). Morris InitialsOne y Morris Initials Two son dos de los diferentes estilos de letras iniciales decorativas que Morris diseñó para utilizar con sus tipos. Se inspiró en diversas fuentes del siglo XV, entre ellas la Biblia de Maguncia de Peter Schoeffer de 1462 y el alfabeto de lirio de los valles de Gunther Zainerde Augsburgo. Cada una de las dos iniciales fuentes está emparejada con la minúscula Morris Gothic. Morris Ornaments es una colección de ornamentos de texto y formas de la decoración de los bordes de página.

    Diseñadores: William Morris

    Editorial: HiH

    Fundición: HiH

    Propietario del diseño: HiH

    MyFonts debut: Oct 11, 2007


    Acerca de HiH

    HiH son las siglas de Hand-in-Hand (mano a mano), porque no podría hacerlo sola, nada de esto. Me interesa tanto la historia como los tipos de letra y creo firmemente que ningún tipo de letra es una isla. Con esto quiero decir que cada tipo de letra tiene un contexto y una historia y es producto de la creatividad y el esfuerzo de una o varias personas. Dado que los alfabetos tienen el propósito de la comunicación escrita, un tipo de letra no puede ser TOTALMENTE original o sería inútil. Un tipo de letra debe, como mínimo, parecerse a otros tipos de letra que ya existen. Si un lector c...

    Character Sets

    We use a standard Windows 3.1 character set with 213 visible characters or glyphs and 256 total character slots (some reserved for program functions and not visible) for display typefaces. We think Unicode is really great for text faces, but often overkill for display purposes. We use Fontographer 4.1 and like to see the entire character set displayed on a single screen — not possible with Unicode. We frequently deviate from the standard ASCII set, which we believe includes some silly choices. Don’t look for a “logical not” in our faces. For diacritical marks (accents), we generally include the acute (´), grave (`), dieresis or umlaut (¨), circumflex (ˆ), tilde (˜), cedilla (¸) and macron (¯). Most of our fonts are revivals. Priority is given to the accents and special characters needed to set the native language of the original designer. Bringhurst lists 59 letter forms in Roman- or Latin-based alphabets alone (exclusive of Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, etc). For example, there are four Os: the standard O, the slashed O, the horned O, and the open O. When you add in the various accent combinations, from O-acute for to open-O-ogonek, you wind up with a total of forty variations on the letter O alone. The old saw that you cannot be all things to all people obviously applies here. Note: for the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the official administrative languages were German and Hungarian. While Czech, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Slovenian were important regionally, it was a major political issue that they did not have official standing. (There were periods when their use was actually forbidden.) We try to include ligatures and alternate characters that were part of the original design. We will also include special characters or dingbats when we deem it appropriate to do so. There is a wealth of printer’s ornaments to be found in specimen books. Many have already been digitized in raster form by Dover and others and are available in inexpensive collections on CD.

    Decorative Initials

    As a rule I try to match decorative initials with appropriate small caps, if available, or with a matching or harmonious lowercase. While the lowercase or small caps will be supplied with accents, the decorative initials will not be, with the sometime exception of C-cedilla and the N-tilde. According to The Chicago Manual of Style, French, Portuguese and Spanish may be set without accents on capitalized vowels; and German can set by using Ae, Oe & Ue in place of the umlauted capitals. Italian varies: accents required for display headlines, but not for text. Æ and Œ will generally not be included in decorated form unless part of the original design.

    Selected Bibliography

    The books listed below are the ones to which we most frequently refer. Each of these books has something unique to offer. Together they can form the core of a useful typographic library. No specimen books are listed because the most important are far beyond anything most people can afford, running into the thousands of dollars. It is hoped that the holders of major historical libraries, such as Columbia University in NYC and St. Bride’s in London, will gradually digitize the most significant and post them on their web sites. Donations might encourage them — it would be an expensive and time-consuming process.
    • Annenberg, TYPE FOUNDRIES OF AMERICA AND THEIR CATALOGS (Oak Knoll Press, New Castle, Deleware, 1994) ISBN 1-884718-06-X. The purpose of this book, and those like it, is to capture history metal type before it is too late. These are labors of love and we are indebted to those who made effort because this history belongs to all of us. 
    • Bain & Shaw, BLACKLETTER: TYPE AND NATIONAL IDENTITY. (Princeton Architectural Press, NYC 1998) ISBN 1-56898-125-2. Useful contribution to understanding the zeitgeist of blackletter, countering the many unproductive negative comments made by readers familiar only with roman letterforms. Fraktur, especially, can be difficult when you are not used to it, but it does work better with German than English. Now check out Burmese. Chapter on what editors term “German Hybrid Typefaces”: Behrens, Eckmann, Künstler, etc. 
    • Bringhurst, THE ELEMENTS OF TYPOGRAPHIC STYLE (Hartley & Marks, Vancouver [near where author lives] 2004. ISBN 0-88179-206-3 (pbk). Incomparable must-have book on disciplined page layout and typography with a strong historical perspective. Bringhurst is a major critic of parochial typography. 
    • Gray, NINETEENTH CENTURY ORNAMENTED TYPEFACES (University of California Press, Berkeley & LA 1976) ISBN 0-520-03074-5 Out of print. Find it used and buy it. Est $40. Originally published by Oxford University Press in 1938. 
    • Jasper, Berry & Johnson, ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF TYPEFACES, 4th Edition (Cassell & Co., London 2001); ISBN 1-84188-139-2 (pbk). Note: earlier editions are also worth acquiring on used book market. 
    • Lewis, TYPOGRAPHY DESIGN AND PRACTICE (Taplinger Publishing, NYC 1978) ISBN 0-8008-7922-8 (pbk). Useful discussion on artistic developments as they impacted display typography from 1800. Draws insightful connection between blackletter faces and sans-serifs. 
    • McGrew, AMERICAN METAL TYPEFACES OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, 2nd Edition (Oak Knoll Books, New Castle, Delaware 1993); ISBN 0938768-39-5 (pbk). Includes typefaces from 19th century that continued to be cast in the 20th century, like Pekin. 
    • Solo, THE SOLOTYPE CATALOG OF 4,147 DISPLAY TYPEFACES (Dover Publications, New York 1992) ISBN 0-486-27169-2 (pbk). As title indicates, book was intended as a commercial catalog and not a historical record. Because of practice of renaming typefaces to support that purpose and the lack of any further information on where the typefaces were collected, the book is less useful than it might have been. It would be wonderful if an accompanying database was compiled. Many faces simply can't be found elsewhere. 
    • The University of Chicago Press, THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE, 14th Edition (The University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London 1993) ISBN 0-226-10389-7. Fifteenth edition is now available. Probably the best reference source for the practical details of applied typography.

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