Richard Årlin
Swedish punchcutter and printmaker, active in many fields in the traditional book arts including bookbinding, papermaking, engraving (copper), making woodcuts. His prints are in major Swedish museums. Through his private press, Stigbergets Stamp och Press (Path Hill Stamp and Press), he prints and publishes small runs of hand-produced books using his own hand-made metal type, his own paper, his own bindings and his own engravings. Example: Libro de Horas de Santo Domingo de Silos, 1987, 45 copies. He makes paper mainly for his own books; it is a 15th century gelatine surface-seized all linen rag paper. All the necessary equipment (such as a hand loom for the wire screen mesh, paper moulds and a copy of a stamping mill which died out in the 17th century) he has made himself. He cut the punches for his own typefaces, Ungut and Stanislaus. He has also made a digital version of those designs called Moravus, which has been used for all advertising and posters for Ingmar Bergman’s “Maria Stuart” at Stockholm’s Royal Dramatic Theatre. He casts his metal type using a hand mould, bearding plane and dressing bench of his own manufacture. He writes occasionally on travel, papermaking, and typecutting for books and magazines. He plans more hand-made metal fonts in the future.
2 fuente familias de Richard Årlin

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


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