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por studiocharlie
Licencias desde $28.00 USD
Familia completa de 2 fuentes: $28.00 USD
Superclosed Fuente La familia era diseñada por publicado por studiocharlie. Superclosed contiene 2 estilos y opciones de paquetes familiares.

Más información sobre esta familia
30 DÍAS DE PRUEBA GRATUITOS de Monotype Fonts para obtener más de 150.000 fuentes de más de 1.400 fundiciones tipográficas. Iniciar prueba gratuita
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2 fuentes

¡Mejor Precio!

  • ABCDEabcde12345$€@& Superclosed A

  • ABCDEabcde12345$€@& Superclosed B

Por Estilo:

$14.00 USD

Paquete de 2 estilos:

$28.00 USD

Sobre la familia Superclosed Fuente

Developed from Superbastone and projected to be used with all the weights of superbastone. Superclosed is developed with darker letters obtained closing eyes and noses and modifing tails arms and legs.


Editorial: studiocharlie

Fundición: studiocharlie

Propietario del diseño: studiocharlie

MyFonts debut: Jul 12, 2007

Superclosed™ is a trademark of Studiocharlie.

Acerca de studiocharlie

Studiocharlie works in product design, graphics, type design and video. We design typographic fonts. They are sometimes developed from signs and letters linked to our graphic and comunication projects (for ex. FontFoliae, Stereotype, Gattofont), whilst others are the object of specific research. In general we develop fonts for traditional typographic use like word processing (for ex. Superbastone or Csuni, which received a special commendation for the 20th edition of the Compasso d'Oro ADI Prize), or more "playful" fonts, for titles, logos and contemporary graphics (for ex. Cavillus, Carpenteria), and dingbat fonts (Gattofont, Catacumbes, Charlie Dog, FontFoliae). Three people founded Studiocharlie in 2002, and work on the development of all the team's projects: Gabriele Rigamonti, Carla Scorda, Vittorio Turla.

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