The State School of Applied (Tatbiki) Fine Arts, which started education in 1957, had five departments: Decorative Painting, Graphic Arts, Ceramics, Textile Arts, Furniture, and Interior Architecture. Established with the Bauhaus school, the aim of the institution was to raise creative, researcher, innovative, and practitioner individuals required by the age.The Faculty has twelve departments, namely Painting, Graphics, Ceramic-Glass, Textile, Interior Architecture, Industrial Product Design, Sculpture, Traditional Turkish Handicrafts, Film Design, Photography, Basic Art Education, and Music.This foundry, which was opened by Sebahattin Kayış and Erdoğan Karayel, who are students of the "Graphic Arts" department of the State School of Applied Fine Arts, was established to create new fonts and put them into use."Tatbikililer" means people belonging to this institution.