Tobias Tylus
How’s it goin? My name is Tobias Tylus and I’m the Head Honcho here at Buttfaces. Just in case you would like to know a little more about me I thought I would include a little insight into how this all started. What the hell is wrong with this guy? ... is probably what you’re wondering at this moment. Well, below I offer my humble attempt at an explanation — barring that fall on my head as a child and the recent alien abduction — below is the story that I’m sticking with. Okay, It all started back about 25 years ago. I was about ten years old and I know you won’t believe this, but I was in a bathroom. I had a little time on my hands so I started to look around. As I noticed my mother’s various cosmetic products, I began to feel that certain ones were better than others, just by the look of their labels. I didn’t know why I felt this way at the time, but I later learned that it was the design and typography of the labels that convinced me of their value. Well, I eventually doodled on enough math class notebooks to get myself into a graphic design career. Letters have always fascinated me, so I set down to create a few faces. Remembering my inspiration, and that most great discoveries take place in the bathroom, I dubbed them “Buttfaces”. They’re here for you to check out in both Mac and Windows formats! My Day Job: I make my living in freelance graphic design, web design and video editing. Other Interests: I also write, direct, act in, and edit short films for fun.
21 fuente familias de Tobias Tylus

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


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