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Wood Type 515
por Intellecta Design- Aa Glifos
¡Mejor PrecioPaquetes de familia
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Por Estilo:
$4.90 USD
Paquete de 10 estilos:
$49.00 USD
Sobre la familia Wood Type 515 Fuente
A fancy version of an old Bruce's Typefoundry wood type : the 515 type...
Diseñadores: Paulo W
Editorial: Intellecta Design
Fundición: Intellecta Design
Fundición original: Intellecta Design
Propietario del diseño: Intellecta Design
MyFonts debut: Jul 29, 2008
Acerca de Intellecta Design
Intellecta Design is a Brazilian typefoundry interested in typographical research and revivals of all forms of ancient typefaces and handwriting styles. It searches historical churches, museums, antiquaries and similar institutions to develop fonts from old books and documents, and has a large collection of rare catalogues and books from XVI to XIX century to help in your studies to digitize lost fonts and non-usual handwriting script models. This kind of research is not common in Brazil. In addition, its design team also works to create new and modern typefaces for all applications. Intellecta Design claims to be the creator and owner of the largest typeface library in Latin America.
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