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Concert Series JNL

Concert Series JNL

por Jeff Levine
Estilos individuales desde $29.00 USD
Concert Series JNL Fuente La familia era diseñada por publicado por Jeff Levine. Concert Series JNL contiene 2 estilos.

Más información sobre esta familia
30 DÍAS DE PRUEBA GRATUITOS de Monotype Fonts para obtener más de 150.000 fuentes de más de 1.400 fundiciones tipográficas. Iniciar prueba gratuita
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Sobre la familia Concert Series JNL Fuente

The design of Concert Series JNL is based on hand-lettering for a 1930s-era WPA (Works Progress Administration) poster for the Federal Music Project of New York City’s symphony concerts. Held every Sunday at the Theater of Music [located at 254 West 54th Street], the admission in those Depression-era days was 25 cents and 60 cents, with all seats reserved.


Editorial: Jeff Levine

Fundición: Jeff Levine

Propietario del diseño: Jeff Levine

MyFonts debut: May 26, 2016

Concert Series JNL

Acerca de Jeff Levine

Jeff Levine has been in love with lettering since the third grade, when a schoolmate brought a lettering stencil into class. He has worked in both the graphics and music industries, and began his work with digital type via his own site, which hosted over one hundred free dingbat fonts until its retirement in 2009. Although these fonts were experimental at best, Jeff received "thank you" letters from points all over the world for making his designs available. Encouraged by these responses, Jeff decided to set his sights on creating interesting and commercially viable type fonts.

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