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Schrodingers Signature

Schrodingers Signature

par Ferry Ardana Putra
Styles individuels à partir de $12.00 USD
30% Off
Schrodingers Signature Font la famille était conçu par Ferry Ardana Putra et publié par Ferry Ardana Putra. Schrodingers Signature contient 1 styles.

En savoir plus sur cette famille
ESSAI GRATUIT DE 30 JOURS de Monotype Fonts pour obtenir plus de 150 000 polices de plus de 1 400 fonderies de caractères. Démarrer l'essai gratuit
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À propos de la famille Schrodingers Signature Police

Schrödinger's is a remarkable signature font which was made hand-drawn manually using Hitech-C pen, This typeface is very natural-like and make your design stand out! Schrödinger's is perfect for gorgeous logos, cards, quotes, posters, wedding invitations, blog posts, social media, and more!

To keep it more natural-like, we provide you hundreds of ligature! Schrödinger's font contains following ligatures:

aa ab ac ad ae af ah ak al am an ar as and ant at att all av aw ax ay az bb bl bt cc cd ce ch ck cl cm cn cr cs ct db dd dl dt ea eb ec ed ee ef eh ek el em en er es end ent est et ett ell ev ex ey ez ff fi fl fo gh ght gt he ht ib ic idd ie if ih ik il im in ir is ind int ist it itt ill iv ix iy iz kk la le ll lt mm mt ns nt oa oe of oh oi ok ol om oo or os ond ont ost ot ott oll ov ow ox oy oz pp rr sh sl ss st th the tl tt ub uc ud ue uf uh uk ul um un ur us und unt ut utt ull uv uw ux uy uz wh yy zz nn

Not only that, we also include swashes and love swashes for those who interested in valentine stuff!

Schrödinger's features:

A full set of upper & lowercase characters

Numbers & punctuation

Multilingual language support

PUA Encoded Characters

+418 Glyph

Up to 163 Ligatures


OpenType Features

In order to use the beautiful swashes, you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Indesign and Corel Draw.

For more information about accessing alternative, you can see this link: http://adobe.ly/1m1fn4Y

Concepteurs: Ferry Ardana Putra

Éditeur: Ferry Ardana Putra

Fonderie: Ferry Ardana Putra

Maître d'ouvrage: Ferry Ardana Putra

MyFonts débout: Feb 19, 2021

Schrodingers Signature

À propos Ferry Ardana Putra

Founded in 2020 by Ferry Ardana Putra in East Java, Indonesia, this foundry represents a significant milestone in Ferry's evolving professional journey. Prior to establishing the foundry, Ferry began exploring his creative potential in 2016 by selling vector designs to various clients. During these early years, he encountered several challenges, including undercompensation and requests for pro bono work from acquaintances, which ultimately tested his resolve as an independent designer.In 2017, Ferry temporarily set aside his freelance design career to focus on university research. After graduating, he embarked on a career as an English teacher at the junior high school level. However, the modest earnings from teaching prompted him to reconsider his professional aspirations, leading him to pursue his creative ambitions with renewed determination.Amid the disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Ferry made a decisive shift back to design, this time concentrating on typeface creation's discipline that demanded the acquisition of new skills and rigorous dedication. As a solo, self-reliant designer, he committed himself to mastering the intricacies of typeface design. After approximately three months of intensive study and experimentation, he released his first font on September 23, 2020, Marking the official launch of his journey as a typeface designer.Today, the foundry stands as a testament to Ferry's resilience, adaptability, and commitment to creative excellence. As a solo fighter in the design industry, Ferry continues to push boundaries and refine his craft. His current work primarily focuses on creating typefaces with display, graffiti, black metal, and cyber themes, with occasional forays into brush and sans styles. His work and vision are showcased on his website, faptype.com, which serves as a hub for his innovative typeface creations and ongoing projects.

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