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Rainy Day Women
by ElemenoBasic typesetting
Letter case
Numerals and scientific typesetting
Typographic variants
About Rainy Day Women Font Family
Designers: Alex Grecian
Publisher: Elemeno
Foundry: Elemeno
Design Owner: Elemeno
MyFonts debut: Mar 23, 2004
About Elemeno
Elemeno burst on the scene early in the sixth century and created an immediate sensation. Teenage girls swooned at the sight of Elemeno on postcards and street signs. When Elemeno broke up, the English language entered a long period of uncertainty and angst. Of course l, m, n and o have had successful solo careers, but their many fans have waited anxiously for any indication of a reconciliation between the four. The appearances of words like “lemon,” “moonlight” and “nomenclature” and a popular chil...
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