Bill Bogusky
Bill Bogusky studied Graphic Design at the School of Industrial Art and Pratt Institute. After honing his skills as a Department Store Layout Artist, Ad Agency Art Director and an Industrial Package Designer, Bogusky spent two years in the army as Special Services Promoter at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. It was there that he met Dixie. They married and moved to Miami, Florida where he set up an Art Studio with his brother Al. "The Brothers Bogusky" garnered numerous national and international awards, notably an Annual Report in the Graphis special Annual Reports issue. Bogusky's logo designs appear in many logo anthologies. Among the first to embrace the Mac, he launched a new passion... type design. "My first font "gogobig" is still my favorite" he said. The Boguskys now live in Boulder, Colorado with their '58 Morgan+4.

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