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Hand Sketch Rough Poster

Hand Sketch Rough Poster

von TypoGraphicDesign
Einzelschnitte ab $25.00 USD
Hand Sketch Rough Poster Font Familie wurde entworfen von Manuel Viergutz und herausgegeben von TypoGraphicDesign. Hand Sketch Rough Poster enthält 1 Stile.

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Über die Schriftfamilie Hand Sketch Rough Poster

“Hand Sketch Rough Pos­ter” is a hand­made, rough and dirty sans-serif dis­play font for deco­ra­tive head­line sizes. Hand drawn. A–Z (× 2), a–z (× 2) and 0–9 (× 4) are each many dif­fe­rent forms. Con­text­ual alter­na­tes. Is inten­ded to show the hand-made cha­rac­ter and the vibrancy of the dis­play font. The dif­fe­rent forms of rough­ness crea­tes a live­li­ness in the typeface. Stan­dard liga­tures like ae, oe, AE, OE, ff, fl, fi, fj, ffl, ffi, ffj and more deco­ra­tive liga­tures like CT, LC, LE, LH, LI, LO, LU, LY, TOO, TC, TE, TH, TU, TZ and ch, cl, ck, ct, sh, sk, st, sp, addi­tio­nal logo­ty­pes like BPM, fff, ppp, sfz and many more … plus Ver­sal Eszett (Capi­tal Let­ter Dou­ble S) give the font more life and shows that des­pite their retro-looks works with modern Open­Type tech­no­logy (type the word note for the sym­bol ♫ and the word love for the ding­bat ❤ … ). Sym­bols like play, stop, eject, for­ward, back­ward, skip, pause and so on. The topic for the dis­cre­tio­nary liga­tures and the sym­bols are music. Have fun with this font – turn up the volume! How To Use – awe­some magic OpenType-Features in your lay­out application ■ In Adobe Pho­to­shop and Adobe InDe­sign, font fea­ture con­trols are wit­hin the Cha­rac­ter panel sub-menu → Open­Type → Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures … Che­cked fea­tures are applied/on. Unche­cked fea­tures are off. ■ In Adobe Illus­tra­tor, font fea­ture con­trols are wit­hin the Open­Type panel. Icons at the bot­tom of the panel are but­ton con­trols. Dar­ker ‘pres­sed’ but­tons are applied/on. ■ Addi­tio­nally in Adobe InDe­sign and Adobe Illus­tra­tor, alter­nate gly­phs can manu­ally be ins­er­ted into a text frame by using the gly­phs panel. The panel can be opened by selec­ting Win­dow from the menu bar → Type → Gly­phs. Or use sign-overview of your ope­ra­ting sys­tem. ■ For a over­view of OpenType-Feature com­pa­ti­bi­lity for com­mon app­li­ca­ti­ons, fol­low the myfonts-help http://www.myfonts.com/help/#looks-different ■ It may pro­cess a little bit slowly in some app­li­ca­ti­ons, because the font has a lot of lovely rough details (anchor points). TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ■ Font Name: Hand Sketch Rough Pos­ter ■ Font Weights: Regu­lar ■ Fonts Cate­gory: Dis­play for Head­line Size ■ Desktop-Font For­mat: OTF (Open­Type Font for Mac + Win) + TTF (True­Type Font) ■ Web-Font For­mat: SVG + EOT + TTF + WOF ■ Font License: Desk­top license, Web license, App license, eBook license, Ser­ver license ■ Glyph cover­age: 715 ■ Lan­guage Sup­port: Afri­kaans, Alba­nian, Alsa­tian, Ara­go­nese, Ara­paho, Aro­ma­nian, Arr­ernte, Astu­rian, Aymara, Bas­que, Bela­rusian (Lac­inka), Bis­lama, Bos­nian, Bre­ton, Cata­lan, Cebuano, Cha­morro, Che­yenne, Chi­chewa (Nyanja), Cim­brian, Cor­si­can, Croa­tian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Espe­ranto, Esto­nian, Fijian, Fin­nish, French, French Creole (Saint Lucia), Fri­sian, Fri­ulian, Gali­cian, Genoese, Ger­man, Gil­ber­tese (Kiri­bati), Green­lan­dic, Hai­tian Creole, Hawaiian, Hili­gaynon, Hmong, Hopi, Hun­ga­rian, Iba­nag, Iloko (Ilo­kano), Indo­ne­sian, Inter­g­lossa (Glosa), Inter­lin­gua, Irish (Gae­lic), Istro-Romanian, Ita­lian, Jèr­riais, Kas­hubian, Kur­dish (Kur­manji), Ladin, Lat­vian, Lithua­nian, Loj­ban, Lom­bard, Low Saxon, Luxem­bour­gian, Malag­asy, Malay (Lati­ni­zed), Mal­tese, Manx, Maori, Megleno-Romanian, Mohawk, Nahuatl, Norfolk/Pitcairnese, Nort­hern Sotho (Pedi), Nor­we­gian, Occi­tan, Oromo, Pan­gasinan, Papia­mento, Pied­mon­tese, Polish, Por­tu­guese, Pota­wa­tomi, Que­chua, Rhaeto-Romance, Roma­nian, Romansh (Rumantsch), Roto­kas, Sami (Inari), Sami (Lule), Samoan, Sar­di­nian (Sardu), Scots (Gae­lic), Sey­chel­lois Creole (Seselwa), Shona, Sici­lian, Slovak, Slove­nian (Slovene), Somali, Sou­thern Nde­bele, Sou­thern Sotho (Seso­tho), Spa­nish, Swa­hili, Swati/Swazi, Swe­dish, Taga­log (Filipino/Pilipino), Tahi­tian, Tau­sug, Tetum (Tetun), Tok Pisin, Ton­gan (Faka-Tonga), Tswana, Tur­kish, Turk­men, Turk­men (Lati­ni­zed), Tuva­luan, Uyghur (Lati­ni­zed), Veps, Vola­pük, Votic (Lati­ni­zed), Wal­loon, Warl­piri, Welsh, Xhosa, Yapese, Zulu ■ Spe­cials: Alter­na­tive let­ters, logo­ty­pes, ding­bats & sym­bols, accents & €. OpenType-Features like Access All Alter­na­tes (aalt), Con­text­ual Alter­na­tes (calt), Glyph Composition/Decomposition (ccmp), Dis­cre­tio­nary Liga­tures (dlig) Deno­mi­na­tors (dnom), Frac­tions (frac), Kerning (kern), Stan­dard Liga­tures (liga), Lining Figu­res (lnum), Nume­ra­tors (numr), Old Style Figu­res (onum) Ordi­nals (ordn), Pro­por­tio­nal Figu­res (pnum), Sty­listic Alter­na­tes (salt), Sty­listic Set 01 (ss01), Sty­listic Set 02 (ss02), Sty­listic Set 03 (ss03), Sty­listic Set 04 (ss04), Super­script (sups), Tabu­lar Figu­res (tnum) ■ Design Date: 2015 ■ Type Desi­gner: Manuel Viergutz

Designer: Manuel Viergutz

Herausgeber: TypoGraphicDesign

Foundry: TypoGraphicDesign

Eigentümer des Designs: TypoGraphicDesign

MyFonts Debüt: Jul 8, 2015

Hand Sketch Rough Poster

Über TypoGraphicDesign

Typo Gra­phic Design | Graphic Design & Type DesignA font foundry from Manuel Vier­gutz based in Ger­many, Ber­lin. Retail Fonts & Custom Type for … your ad, branding, corporate design, DIY, editorial, future, goodies, headline, icons, journal, kids, logo, music cover, nft, old fashioned, packaging, quality, roughness, script, tv, unique, vintage, website, xmas, yummy, zodiac …We create Fonts, Icons & Pattern Retail fonts (for everybody), custom fonts (exclusive corporate font) and font adjustments (more language support or alternative characters).We create Corporate Design (Logo, Business Card), Editorial Design (Book, Magazine), Flyer, Poster …We offer limited prints like riso poster, hand-stamped postcards, sticker & type specimens as design gifts.

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