Jim Spiece
Jim Spiece of Spiece Graphics enjoys resurrecting old typefaces. And finding a complete set of characters can often be a challenging task. It takes him down into the musty basements of public libraries and out into the world of flea markets and hole-in-the-wall bookstores. After careful scanning and hand-outlining, he must occasionally dig deeper for a missing punctuation mark or double-f ligature. Jim chuckles, “These are all minor inconveniences when you consider you’ve brought these faces back from obscurity and found them new homes. Besides, it’s fun. In one sense, my own designs are a lot easier because they never had a previous life!” You can check out Jim’s revival of the Bernhard Gothic SG Family or his popular ITC Blair Family. If you’re interested in Spiece Graphics custom logo, lettering, or illustration work, try his web site, theispot.com.

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