Kurt Weidemann
Kurt Weidemann – born 15. 12. 1922 in Eichmedien, Germany (today Poland) – typographer, graphic designer, author, teacher. 1950–52: trains as a typesetter in Lübeck. 1953–55: studies book graphics and typography at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart. 1955: starts freelancing as a graphic designer, advertising consultant and copywriter. Clients include COOP, Zeiss, Merck AG, Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimer-Benz AG, Deutsche Aerospace AG and Deutsche Bahn AG. Designs books for publishers who include the Büchergilde Gutenberg, Ullstein, Propyläen, Ernst Klett and Thieme. 1955–64: type manager of the specialist journal "Der Druckspiegel". 1965–85: professor at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart. 1983: starts teaching at the Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Unternehmensführung in Koblenz. From 1987 onwards: corporate identity consultant to Daimler-Benz. 1990: reworks Porsche AG’s corporate identity. 1991: starts teaching at the Hochschule für Gestaltung at the Zentrum für Kunst- und Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe. Weidemann has won numerous awards, including the Lucky Strike Designer Award from the Raymond-Loewy-Stiftung (1955) and Germany’s Order of Merit (1996). Fonts: Biblica (1979), (1983), Corporate A.S.E. (1985–89). Publications include: "Wo der Buchstabe das Wort führt", Stuttgart 1995; "Wortarmut", Karlsruhe 1995. Uta Brandes "Kurt Weidemann. Das Nachbild auf der Netzhaut", Göttingen 1995. * TYPOGRAPHY – An Encyclopedic Survey of Type Design and Techniques Throughout History by Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott (Editor), Bernard Stein, published by Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. ITC Weidemann is a registered trademark of International Typeface Corporation.
10 Font Familien von Kurt Weidemann

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


    Ähnliche Tags
