Pedro Gonzalez Jorquera
Pedro González (aka “PeGGO”), type designer, calligrapher and illustrator from Chile, who graduated in Graphic Design in 2005 from the Universidad del Bío-Bío. designed commercial fonts, such as "Legan" (2008-2011, a flared Trajan face that includes classical uppercase but also lowercase, cyrillic, greek and a very large latin based language support), "Farola" (2008, a curly Victorian face), "Fonton" (a fat elliptical face), "Politic" (slabbed family), roijer (2016-2017), "lebrush" (2016) a humanist serif Roman based on real brush lettering, it comes with several dingbat and a set of ornaments, appropriate for movie titling., "Globa" (2016, Latinotype), "Geometrica" (2017, Latinotype) low contrast rounded geometric Sans with a mid 19th/early 20th century simplicity air yet it remains modern and minimalist, picked as one of the ten best Sans serif typefaces of 2017 by FontShop. "Caprina" (2017, Los Andes) geometric sans family with the flat squarish tops that characterize the original Futura and the work of Max Bill, Primaria" (2018) school script and print typeface family, "Orqquidea" (2018) a modern and clean humanist sans serif typeface based on classic Roman proportions. Calligraphic works include L'Ecole d'Fine Arts (2009), Paradise Duck, Eclesiastes (based on “La Rueda” of Sheila Waters, 1981). Behance link:

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