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Andron MC

Andron MC™

Individual Styles from $99.00 USD
Complete family of 3 fonts: $220.00 USD
Andron MC Font Family was designed by Andreas Stötzner and published by SIAS. Andron MC contains 3 styles and family package options.

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    About Andron MC Font Family

    The font series Andron MC introduces a new feature to the repertoire of the Andron family: middlecase glyphs (intermediate between upper- and lowercase) – and uncial letters. Middlecase glyphs reach a medium height compared to full caps height and lowercase x-height. However, ‘uncial’ means the historic transitional lettershapes of the medieval ages which have gained no status in the bicameral typographic system of modern times. In all three of the Andron MC fonts middlecase (“MC”) glyphs dwell on the lowercase positions. These are coined in uncial fashion in the MC Uncial and MC Medieval fonts but appear as capital glyphs in MC Capital. The same variation occurs with the uppercase positions: whereas standard Roman/capital glyphs are there in MC Uncial and MC Capital, MC Medieval features uncial majuscules here instead. At the end that makes three different combinations of uncial and capital sorts. These fonts can be used for a great variety of purposes. The uncial sets are particularly well-suited for any typographic matter related to the middle ages. MC Capital is a worthwhile alternative choice when titling is to be possibly set in CAPITALS or Small caps. Andron MC adds a fascinating new aspect to the classical Andron fonts family. It enhances again the unique scope of typographical possibilities Andron is praised for since quite some time now. All three Andron MC fonts support full Latin, Greek (monotonic), Coptic and Gothic character ranges. Each font contains about 1000 glyphs.

    Designers: Andreas Stötzner

    Publisher: SIAS

    Foundry: SIAS

    Design Owner: SIAS

    MyFonts debut: Jun 8, 2012

    Andron MC™ is a trademark of Signographisches Institut Andreas Stötzner.

    About SIAS

    SIAS offers fonts by Leipzig-based font designer Andreas Stötzner. They range from symbol and graphic elements fonts to fancy decorative ones, sans and serif typefaces for body text use. SIAS is well-known for its selection of fonts of the famous Andron series. Andron is praised by scholars around the world as one of the most prolific classical text face for scientific editing. Another highlight is surely Symbojet, a cutting-edge product for information graphics comprising both alphabetical and pict...

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