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Home / Fonts / Ingrimayne Type / CemeteryWalk


by Ingrimayne Type
Individual Styles from $9.00 USD
Complete family of 9 fonts: $17.00 USD
CemeteryWalk Font Family was designed by Robert Schenk and published by Ingrimayne Type. CemeteryWalk contains 9 styles and family package options.

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    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


    About CemeteryWalk Font Family

    I created CemeteryWalk in 2018 to illustrate a program for a local cemetery walk. CemeteryWalk places letters on pictures of gravestones. In 2022 I expanded the family by placing three different sets of letters on the gravestones. Each of the four different sets of letters on gravestones has two styles, one with black letters on white gravestones and the other with white letters on black markers (the bold style). The bold style can be placed beneath the plain style to add color or texture.

    All eight styles are caps only, with the lower-case letters having different shapes for the tombstones but the same letters as in the upper case. There is only one set of accented characters and it is where the upper-case letters are found. Each also has an alternate set of characters that are somewhat similar in appearance and it can be accessed using the OpenType feature of stylistic sets.

    A final typeface in the family is a picture font of items that may be found on old tombstones.

    Designers: Robert Schenk

    Publisher: Ingrimayne Type

    Foundry: Ingrimayne Type

    Design Owner: Ingrimayne Type

    MyFonts debut: Aug 15, 2018


    About Ingrimayne Type

    IngrimayneType distributes digital typefaces designed by Robert Schenk. Robert became fascinated with type design in the late 1980s and began designing type in 1988 with an early version of Fontographer. He has designed a wide variety of typefaces, from standard text fonts to bizarre decorative faces. Many of these faces were designed to meet specific needs but others were experimental, designed as a challenge to form letters that met a narrowly-defined criteria. Areas of special strength in the Ing...

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