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Diamant Pro™
by RMU

- Aa Glyphs
Best ValueFamily Packages
- Individual Styles
- Tech Specs
- Licensing
Basic typesetting
Letter case
Numerals and scientific typesetting
Typographic variants
Per Style:
$40.00 USD
Pack of 3 styles:
$120.00 USD
About Diamant Pro Font Family
Diamant Pro is a versatile multilingual serif font family which comes with small caps and old-style figures. These fonts are suitable for the major West and Central European languages as well as for Turkish and Cyrillic written languages. This font family is ideal for bodytexts in newspapers and magazins.

About RMU
RMU is the foundry of Ralph Michael Unger.Founded in 1995, and now located in the city of Schwaebisch Gmuend, state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, my foundry can look back at vast typographic experiences. It started with the composing stick, then turned over to Linotype setting machines in various print shops, and now has reached the computerized creati...
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