Emil Rudolf Weiß
Emil Rudolf Weiß – born 12. 10. 1875 in Lahr, Germany, died 7. 11. 1942 in Meersburg, Germany – graphic artist, painter, typographer, type designer, poet, teacher. 1893–96: studies at the art academy in Karlsruhe, from 1896–97 at the Académie Julian in Paris and from 1897–1903 at the art academies in Karlsruhe and Stuttgart. 1894: contributes to "Pan" magazine. 1895: starts producing work for various publishing houses, including Cotta, Suhrkamp, S. Fischer, Cassirer, Insel and Rowohlt. 1895–1900: publishes five volumes of his poems. 1903: teaches at the Folkwang-Museum art school in Essen. 1907–33: professor at the Unterrichtsanstalt des Königlichen Kunstgewerbemuseum in Berlin. 1910: does the murals for Bruno Paul’s summer house at the world exhibition in Brussels. 1922–37: member of the Preußische Akademie der Künste. 1933: the National Socialists force him to take early retirement. 1941: does decorative painting for buildings in Freiburg im Breisgau and Dessau. Fonts: Weiß Fraktur (1909), (1928), Weiß Kapitale mager (1931), Weiß Lapidar mager (1931), Weiß Kapitale kräftig (1935), Neue Weiß-Fraktur (1935), Weiß Gotisch (1936), (1937), Weiß Rundgotisch Inititalen (1939). Publications include: "Künstler und Buchkünstler gestern, heute und morgen", Frankfurt 1931. Julius Zeitler (ed.) "Sonderheft Emil Rudolf Weiß" 5/1922, Archiv für Buchgewerbe Leipzig; Herbert Reichner "E. R. Weiß zum fünfzigsten Geburtstag", Leipzig 1925; Kurt Christians, Richard von Sichowski "Emil Rudolf Weiß über Buchgestaltung", – Hamburg 1969. * TYPOGRAPHY – An Encyclopedic Survey of Type Design and Techniques Throughout History by Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott (Editor), Bernard Stein, published by Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH. Weiss is a registered trademark of Bauer Types SA.
7 font families from Emil Rudolf Weiß

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


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