Fiona Ross
Fiona Ross specializes in non-Latin type design and typography. From 1978 to 1989 she worked for the British arm of Linotype, Linotype Limited, being responsible for the design of their non-Latin fonts and typesetting schemes, notably those using Arabic and Indic scripts such as Devanagari. Since 1989 she has worked as a consultant, author, lecturer, and type designer. In 2003 Fiona joined the Department of Typography and Graphic Communication at the University of Reading, England as a part-time sessional lecturer. Fiona holds a BA in German; a Postgraduate Diploma in Sanskrit and Pali; and a PhD in Indian Palaeography from SOAS (London University). She is a member of the Association Typographique International (ATypI) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
5 font families from Fiona Ross

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


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