Francesco Griffo (also Francesco da Bologna) – born 1450, died 1518 in Bologna, Italy – type founder, punch cutter, type designer. Trained as a punch cutter and type founder in Bologna.
1495: works with Aldus Manutius, for whom he cuts Greek alphabets and in 1501 an italic typeface for a Virgil edition. 1496: cuts the alphabet for Pietro Bembo’s "De Aetna", . 1502: parts company with Aldus Manutius. 1503: cuts an italic typeface for the printer Gershom Soncino in Fano. 1516: opens his own printing workshop in Bologna. He cuts his third italic alphabet for his first publication.
* TYPOGRAPHY – An Encyclopedic Survey of Type Design and Techniques Throughout History by Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott (Editor), Bernard Stein, published by Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.