Select this license type when you are developing an app for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone, and you will be embedding the font file in your mobile application's code.
by Ingrimayne Type- Aa Glyphs
Best ValueFamily Packages
- Individual Styles
- Tech Specs
- Licensing
Basic typesetting
Letter case
Numerals and scientific typesetting
Typographic variants
Per Style:
$6.00 USD
Pack of 2 styles:
$12.00 USD
About IMPuzzled Font Family
IMPuzzled uses the OpenType feature of Contextual Alternatives to alternate two sets of characters. The sets are on two puzzle pieces that tessellate, that is, fit together to fill the plane with no gaps or overlaps. Empty pieces are on the brace keys and can be used to fill spaces. The black or solid style is designed to be used in a layer under the regular style, though it can be used alone if adjacent pieces are given different colors. This unusual font has limited uses but may be appropriate when the topic is related to the broad areas of puzzles, puzzled, and fitting pieces together.
Designers: Robert Schenk
Publisher: Ingrimayne Type
Foundry: Ingrimayne Type
Design Owner: Ingrimayne Type
MyFonts debut: Mar 4, 2022
About Ingrimayne Type
IngrimayneType distributes digital typefaces designed by Robert Schenk. Robert became fascinated with type design in the late 1980s and began designing type in 1988 with an early version of Fontographer. He has designed a wide variety of typefaces, from standard text fonts to bizarre decorative faces. Many of these faces were designed to meet specific needs but others were experimental, designed as a challenge to form letters that met a narrowly-defined criteria. Areas of special strength in the Ing...
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