Rosenfeld, Schnebel, Willrodt – they can't let go of the fonts. The congenial trio has been designing, developing, producing and distributing digital fonts together for around 40 years. All three have acquired their first spores from URW. Peter Karow, one of the founders of URW, developed the first version of the IKARUS Font Editor in 1975 and continuously expanded and refined it until 1995. URW is history, but jpFonts sets up where URW ended. Jürgen Willrodt is one of the world's leading experts in font technology and has played a major role in the development of the IKARUS system. In addition to his own Font Library, Volker Schnebel has designed countless corporate type projects and implemented them together with Peter Rosenfeld. Rosenfeld has worked very closely with Karow for over a decade and, in addition to setting up the URW Library, has led the worldwide distribution of fonts and software.jpFonts wants to work primarily customer-oriented, i.e. we want to offer optimal font support for customers, regularly release new and contemporary (Variable) fonts.