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Konstructa Humana Stencil

Konstructa Humana Stencil

by TypoGraphicDesign
Individual Styles from $19.00 USD
Complete family of 3 fonts: $29.00 USD
Konstructa Humana Stencil Font Family was designed by Manuel Viergutz and published by TypoGraphicDesign. Konstructa Humana Stencil contains 3 styles and family package options.

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    About Konstructa Humana Stencil Font Family

    CONCEPT/ CHARACTERISTICS »Kon­strukta Humana Sten­cil« aka »Hot Cold« is a modern desi­gned sans serif type­face with huma­nist influ­en­ces and Sten­cil cha­rac­ter. The par­ti­ally strong line thick­ness dif­fe­rence (line con­trast) gives the font a touch of ele­gance and crea­tes ten­sion as fats. The font comes in 3 font styles. From ele­gant warm ten­der­ness »Thin« to the solid, bold, and robust­ness cold »Regular«. APPLICATION AREA The »Thin« font weight would pro­bably dig on fes­tive invi­ta­ti­ons and »Regu­lar« as con­cise pos­ter font. From head­lines in maga­zi­nes or web­sites about pos­ter design and fly­ers to t-shirt design. Just type it. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Sans Serif Sten­cil Font »Kon­structa Humana Sten­cil« Open­Type Font (Mac + Win) with 375 gly­phs & 3 styles (regu­lar, light, thin). With alter­na­tive let­ters, liga­tures, accents & €.

    Designers: Manuel Viergutz

    Publisher: TypoGraphicDesign

    Foundry: TypoGraphicDesign

    Design Owner: TypoGraphicDesign

    MyFonts debut: May 17, 2014

    Konstructa Humana Stencil

    About TypoGraphicDesign

    Typo Gra­phic Design | Graphic Design & Type DesignA font foundry from Manuel Vier­gutz based in Ger­many, Ber­lin. Retail Fonts & Custom Type for … your ad, branding, corporate design, DIY, editorial, future, goodies, headline, icons, journal, kids, logo, music cover, nft, old fashioned, packaging, quality, roughness, script, tv, unique, vintage, website, xmas, yummy, zodiac …We create Fonts, Icons & Pattern Retail fonts (for every...

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