MMC-TypEngine | Machined Minds Creative Type-Systems. A New Type Foundry Post Est. in 2021, MMC started under new foundry name over its past register from 2013. MMC-TypEngine puts its efforts to present Typefaces with Math or Puzzled emphasis in beyond of Geometry Fields, Urban Designs, Patterns, Rhythms, plus Freestyle Cool Fonts made with Love & High-End Criteria! Inspired by Underground Culture, Architecture and Engineering as well! As a curiosity, its ‘MMC’ was originally a Crew of Graffiti played as a “Many Meanings Challenge” Acronym, firstly also known as the Emblematic Portuguese Comics & Cartoon Expression, “Macacos Me Mordam” as a Catchphrase or Title upon a few murals recently reflected by Typefaces! New Fonts coming Soon! Stay tuned!