Select this license type when you are developing an app for iOS, Android, or Windows Phone, and you will be embedding the font file in your mobile application's code.
by WundesBasic typesetting
Letter case
Numerals and scientific typesetting
Typographic variants
About Neona Font Family
Designers: John B. Wundes
Publisher: Wundes
Foundry: Wundes
Design Owner: Wundes
MyFonts debut: Oct 24, 2006
About Wundes
When I say "Wundes foundry" what I mean is 'me'. I am a single designer who's career, (after delivering pizza for a few years) has been made up of layouts for websites, CD covers, and Flash actionscript programming. I did some illustrator scripting for Robbie of the Wilton Foundry, and he told me that if you look at all the work that goes into making a font, you quickly realize that at the prices they are sold for, you're almost giving them away. Being a decent artist and a terrible businessman, I thought, what a great idea, and so here I am. After building my first font, I can say I now understand what he was talking about. Each font, by any designer is, and HAS to have been a labor of love or it would never have been completed. What I look for when creating a font, is a unique way to blend imagery and typography, so the final product becomes a synthesis of symbol and object.
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