Oğuzhan Cengiz
It was in his 13th year that Oğuzhan Cengiz (1977) first encountered the anatomy of letters in a small signage workshop. This first contact led him towards a BA in Graphic Design which he obtained in 2003 from the Faculty of Fine Arts, Mersin University. Since then, he has worked as an art director and freelance designer for a number of advertising agencies. During this professional career, while developing the logo and lettering designs, he started to create his original fonts. The defining criteria he set for these new designs was basically acquiring a capacity to offer the ideal features that he could himself employ is his own graphic design practice. Oğuzhan Cengiz held workshops and seminars at a range of prestigious universities in Turkey. He still experiments with the anatomy of letters to offer the most workable designs in his foundry Hurufatfont.

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


    Related Tags
