Omar Sacca

Omar Sacca (better known by his colleagues as ortho*) has deep roots in the field of visual communications & graphic design.

His journey began humbly on a mid-range laptop in the late 2000s, creating album artwork for musicians using free software. Eventually, Omar began working in a professional capacity as a freelance designer; creating logotype, lettermarks, 3D renders, and branding materials for various clients. His catalogue of work as ortho* has earned him a modest online following in recent years.

As a result, a number of high-profile clients have commissioned him for his specialization in type design, branding, and/or 3D graphics. Notably: Alok, Alan Walker, and Big Chocolate.

To date, Omar’s work has been shared, featured, or acknowledged by the likes of Alan Walker, Skrillex, Deadmau5, Chrometype, and Paul Nicholson; just to name a few.

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