Oswald Bruce Cooper
American advertising designer and type designer active 1915 to 1927 with ATF and Barnhart Brothers & Spindler.

Oswald Bruce Cooper – born 13. 4. 1879 in Mountgilead, Ohio, USA, died 17. 12. 1940 in Chicago, USA – type designer, calligrapher, teacher. 1894: trains as a printer. 1899: moves to Chicago. Attends the Frank Holme School of Illustration where F. W. Goudy teaches lettering. 1902: teaches at the Holme School, intermittently also head of the school. 1904: opens the Bertsch & Cooper advertising agency in Chicago with the illustrator Fred S. Bertsch. 1912: travels in England, France and Germany. 1913. draws the lettering which is used in advertisements for the Packard Motor Company and produced by the American Type Foundry (ATF). 1921: turns his agency into a studio for design, typesetting and photography. 1924: sells his studio and resumes work as a freelance graphic artist. 1939: works on the corporate identity for the "Chicago Daily News" newspaper. Fonts: Cooper Oldstyle (1919), Cooper Black™ (1920), Cooper Italic (1924), Cooper Black condensed (1925), Cooper Hilite (1925), Cooper Initials (1925), Pompeian Cursive (1927), Cooper Fullface (1928). * TYPOGRAPHY – An Encyclopedic Survey of Type Design and Techniques Throughout History by Friedrich Friedl, Nicolaus Ott (Editor), Bernard Stein, published by Könemann Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.

15 font families from Oswald Bruce Cooper

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


    Related Tags
