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Really No 2 Paneuropean

Really No 2 Paneuropean™

by Linotype
Individual Styles from $103.99 USD
Complete family of 14 fonts: $4,333.99 USD
Really No 2 Paneuropean Font Family was designed by Gary Munch and published by Linotype. Really No 2 Paneuropean contains 14 styles and family package options.

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    About Really No 2 Paneuropean Font Family

    Really No. 2 is a redesign and update of Linotype Really, a typeface that Gary Munch first designed in 1999. The new Really No. 2 offers seven weights (Light to Extra Bold), each with an Italic companion. Additionally, Really No. 2 offers significantly expanded language support possibilities.
    Customers may choose the Really No. 2 W1G fonts, which support a character set that will cover Greek and Cyrillic in addition to virtually all European languages. These are true pan-European fonts, capable of setting texts that will travel between Ireland and Russia, and from Norway to Turkey.
    Customers who do not require this level of language support may choose from the Really No. 2 Pro fonts (just the Latin script), the Really No. 2 Greek Pro fonts (which include both Latin and Greek), or the Really No. 2 Cyrillic Pro fonts (Latin and Cyrillic).
    Each weight in the Really No. 2 family includes small capitals and optional oldstyle figures, as well as several other OpenType features. Really No. 2's vertical measurements are slightly different than the old Linotype Really's; customers should not mix fonts from the two families together. As to the design of Really No. 2's letters, like Linotype Really, the characters' moderate-to-strong contrast of its strokes recalls the Transitional and Modern styles of Baskerville and Bodoni.
    A subtly oblique axis recalls the old-style faces of Caslon. Finally, sturdy serifs complete the typeface's realist sensibility: a clear, readable, no-nonsense text face, whose clean details offer the designer a high-impact selection.

    Designers: Gary Munch

    Publisher: Linotype

    Foundry: Linotype

    Design Owner: Linotype

    MyFonts debut: Feb 15, 2021

    Really No 2 Paneuropean™ is a trademark of Monotype GmbH and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.

    About Linotype

    For over a century, Linotype has successfully produced, marketed, and licensed quality fonts. Its proven methods have been expanded over the years, adapting to new technologies. As fonts are a vehicle for all visual communication, Linotype partners with both designers and typographers, who together promote global transfer and open discussion.The Linotype font library is owned by Monotype and includes renowned fonts such as Helvetica, Neue Helvetica®, Linotype Didot™, Janson® Text, New Century Schoolbook®, and more.

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