SCREEN Graphic Solutions
SCREEN began developing the Hiragino font in 1990 for inclusion with its typesetting system as the company was a comprehensive manufacturer of photographic reproduction equipment at that time. SCREEN did not have its own typeface design and decided to develop from scratch. The company favored typefaces completely different from those that had come before. Hiragino Serif (Mincho) and Hiragino Sans (Kaku Gothic) were developed in this way with the design concept “cool and contemporary” but still “orthodox, universally preferable and with excellent readability” . With the successful development of first Hiragino Serif and Sans, SCREEN went on to create the Hiragino Sans Rounded (Maru Gothic), and Universal Design (UD) series, and Hiragino Sans GB (Simplified Chinese) fonts. SCREEN has created numerous typefaces vital to today’s world due to their readability and beauty; they are widely used in a variety of applications, ranging from advertising, publishing, and broadcasting to smartphones, tablets, highway signs, and multilingual signs. Our Hiragino fonts will continue to evolve to keep pace with changes in lifestyles and needs, and we will persist in our quest to develop fonts that will still be used a century from now without losing any of their luster.