Sean Thorenson

Sean Thorenson learned how to create fonts as part of developing the curriculum for a Typography class that he began teaching in 2007. Classically trained as a Commercial Artist, Sean had extensive experience with hand-lettering using analog tools like calligraphy pens and brushes as well as the earliest digital components of desktop publishing like phototypesetters and Mac computers. These experiences gave him a profound appreciation for all the details, artistry and craftsmanship that go into executing good typography.

Working for over 30 years as a graphic designer, Sean understands how integral type is to the emotion and message in all written forms of visual communication. He believes that having the ability to create type that evokes and reinforces the right themes is a powerful asset in branding and logo development. Lately, Sean has found typeface design to be another fascinating and meticulous obsession that he uses to expand his collection of custom fonts and greatly enjoys being able to share this passion with others.

3 font families from Sean Thorenson

    Basic typesetting
    Letter case
    Numerals and scientific typesetting
    Typographic variants


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