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Sebastian Pro

Sebastian Pro™

by Storm Type Foundry
Individual Styles from $32.00 USD
Complete family of 10 fonts: $218.00 USD
Sebastian Pro Font Family was designed by František Štorm and published by Storm Type Foundry. Sebastian Pro contains 10 styles and family package options.

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    About Sebastian Pro Font Family

    Sans-serif typefaces compensate for their basic handicap – an absence of serifs – with a softening modulation typical of roman typefaces. Grotesques often inherit a hypertrophy of the x-height, which is very efficient, but not very beautiful. They are like dogs with fat bodies and short legs. Why do we love old Garamonds? Beside beautifully modeled details, they possess aspect-ratios of parts within characters that timelessly and beauteously parallel the anatomy of the human body. Proportions of thighs, arms or legs have their universal rules, but cannot be measured by pixels and millimeters. These sometimes produce almost unnoticeable inner tensions, perceptible only very slowly, after a period of living with the type. Serifed typefaces are open to many possibilities in this regard; when a character is mounted on its edges with serifs, what is happening in between is more freely up to the designer. In the case of grotesques, everything is visible; the shape of the letter must exist in absolute nakedness and total simplicity, and must somehow also be spirited and original.

    Designers: František Štorm

    Publisher: Storm Type Foundry

    Foundry: Storm Type Foundry

    Design Owner: Storm Type Foundry

    MyFonts debut: May 12, 2009

    Sebastian Pro™ is a trademark of Storm Type Foundry.

    About Storm Type Foundry

    “I bought my first computer in 1993 and realized that there were no good fonts around," František Štorm says, “so I had to make my own.” He founded the Storm Type Foundry in Prague that same year in the hopes that he would be able to restore the classical values of typography that often times don’t get translated into the digital world. “I started the business when I realized that the fonts I made for myself could be useful for others,” he ...

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