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Tipo Metro CDMX

Tipo Metro CDMX

by Ixipcalli
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Tipo Metro CDMX Font Family was designed by Francisco Arellano and published by Ixipcalli. Tipo Metro CDMX contains 1 styles.

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    About Tipo Metro CDMX Font Family

    La tipografía “Tipo Metro CDMX” fue desarrollada por Lance Wyman como parte del proyecto “Metro” desde los años setenta, y es uno de los elementos clave de la cultura visual del transporte del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro (STC Metro). Este estilo se ha convertido en el icónico fundamental del trasporte público para los residentes de la Ciudad de México.
    En esta edición, los tipos minúsculas son una adaptación “no oficial” para el Tipo Metro CDMX, enriqueciendo la tipografía a un estilo visual de altas y bajas, por lo que se prescinde del diseño base como trabajo propio para enfatizar los tipos minúsculas exclusivamente, además de que se han añadido algunos caracteres de acentuación extendiendo su uso a otros lenguajes. Los tipos son una nueva propuesta por Ixipcalli en el presente año 2023.

    The “Tipo Metro CDMX” typeface was developed by Lance Wyman as part of the “Metro” project since the 1970s, and is one of the key elements of the visual culture of transportation of the Metro Collective Transportation System (STC Metro). This style has become the iconic fundamental of public transportation for the residents of Mexico City.
    In this edition, the lowercase types are an “unofficial” adaptation for the Tipo Metro CDMX, enriching the typography with a visual style of highs and lows, so the base design is dispensed with as my own work to emphasize the lowercase types exclusively, In addition, some accentuation characters have been added, extending their use to other languages. The types are a new proposal by Ixipcalli in the current year 2023.

    Designers: Francisco Arellano

    Publisher: Ixipcalli

    Foundry: Ixipcalli

    Design Owner: Ixipcalli

    MyFonts debut: May 19, 2023

    Tipo Metro CDMX

    About Ixipcalli

    Ixipcalli© is 100% Mexican founded at the end of 2006 as part of a graphic design studio pilot project. Currently, after more than 15 years, typography design has been incurred, the first test being the Copilme type, and now we have several typographic projects well accepted by our clients. You can refer to our site if you need to see all the typographic projects, and even some free ones and other design projects that are exposed on our web platform.

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