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Home / Fonts / REN FONT / WaonPro


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WaonPro Font Family was designed by Kazuo Kanai and published by REN FONT. WaonPro contains 9 styles.

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About WaonPro Font Family

Hello. Welcome to the Foundry "REN FONT"!

Each of the typefaces in the Waon family was created based on "Waon", a winning entry in the typeface category of the "Japan Typography Yearbook 2005" contest held by the Japan Typography Association in 2005.

The concept is to "express a music with typeface.

This is the painstaking work of our type designer, Kazuo Kanai, who spent more than two years on it.

Each of the characters (kanji, hiragana, katakana, Latin letters, symbols, punctuation, application letters, and numbers) is designed to have musical characteristics, and the characteristics of each are harmonized perfectly.

This typeface was created by using a mathematical approach to intermediate generation the nine weights, from the thinnest weight "L (Light)" to the thickest weight "U (Ultra)".

The result is truly worthy of the name "Waon = Harmony". We hope you will find it useful in a variety of situations.

The OpenType font "WaonPro JoyoRegular" is a free trial font of Regular weight.

Only the regular kanji is available, but other than that, it is the same as the full version. Please try it out.

こんにちは。ファウンドリー "REN FONT" へようこそ!






OpenType の「和音Pro JoyoRegular」は Regular ウェイトの無料のトライアルフォントです。


Designers: Kazuo Kanai

Publisher: REN FONT

Foundry: REN FONT

Design Owner: REN FONT

MyFonts debut: Feb 19, 2021



REN FONT / Typographics REN is a highly acclaimed company that has been repeatedly winning awards in the typeface category of the "Yearbook", an exhibition of works sponsored by the Japan Typography Association (NPO). Established in 2001, REN FONT / Typographics REN aims to bring a breath of fresh air to the font industry. The fonts created by Company representative and type designer Kazuo Kanai are highly regarded by professional designers for their high quality.

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