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2009 Primitive
by GLC
Individual Styles from $38.00 USD

2009 Primitive Font Family was
designed by
published by
GLC. 2009 Primitive contains
More about this family
Basic typesetting
Letter case
Numerals and scientific typesetting
Typographic variants
About 2009 Primitive Font Family
This is not an historically accurate font but rather one intended capture the spirit of ancient Roman manual type. It was inspired by various patterns used in documents and books created by Latin scribes between the second and fourth centuries. They used either calamus and ink on papyrus, or a pointed metal stick on wax tablets.
We have created the font for contemporary use; distinguishing between U and V, I and J, which had no meaning for ancient Latin scribes, and adding thorn, Oslash, Lslash, W, Y and common accented characters that did not exist at the time. A lot of titlings and contextual alternates complete the set. Available only in TTF and OTF format.
2009 Primitive

About GLC
Gilles Le Corre was born in 1950 in Nantes, France. Painter since the end of 70s, he is also an engraver and calligrapher. He has been learning about medieval art and old books for as long as he can remember. More recently he has made the computer a tool for writing like the quill pen and ink. With it, he aims to make it possible to print books that look just like old ones! Beginning in 2007 he has been trying to reproduce, very exactly, a ...
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