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Home / Fonts / Monotype HK / M Hei PRC


by Monotype HK
Individual Styles from $523.99 USD
Complete family of 5 fonts: $1,049.99 USD
M Hei PRC Font Family was designed by Monotype HK Design and published by Monotype HK. M Hei PRC contains 5 styles and family package options.

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    About M Hei PRC Font Family

    Although traditional Heiti typefaces may not be as lively as Songti, the modesty of M Hei makes is enduring and stand out from other similar typefaces. M Hei’s design is based on the hallmarks of traditional Heiti typefaces: it has little to no thick-thin contrast in strokes and has square cut terminals. Its dots (點), ticks (剔) and downstrokes (撇、捺) are subtly curved and longer than usual; all stems (豎) and crossbars (橫) remain simple and clear; and hooks (勾) appear rounded. Together they make a harmonious form which is clean but pure, classy but contemporary.

    Designers: Monotype HK Design

    Publisher: Monotype HK

    Foundry: Monotype HK

    Design Owner: Monotype HK

    MyFonts debut: May 1, 2018

    M Hei PRC

    About Monotype HK

    Monotype Hong Kong a subsidiary of Monotype responsible for the design and development of Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese typefaces, and also other Asian languages/scripts. The Monotype HK typeface collection includes a wide range of high quality designs in popular type styles for text and display setting, in print and screen environments. Today the Monotype team continues to create new Chinese typefaces for the library, as well as custom and bespoke typefaces for global brands and enterprises.

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