Fontosaurus started life as an issue of curiousity, back in 1996. Dan Bailey was a student at Mankato State University (now Minnesota State University-Mankato) and working in the computer lab to bring in money for beer, etc. About that time, he was promoted from lab supervisor (read: "verbal punching bag for irate students") to Multimedia Specialist. This was probably to get him off the floor and into an office where his mouth would do as little damage to the image of the lab as possible. While in that little office, he discovered Chank! fonts. He was totally friggin' hooked. This led to the purchase of a very pricey PowerMac system, a domain name, and a lot of studying -- looking at type, reading books, etc. There was a period in 1999 where fontosaurus.com laid dormant because Dan was knee-deep in the dot-com world. It came back to life in 2000, and then went fallow again in 2001 after he lost his dot-com job and had to spend a ton of time doing goofy things like looking for a job, selling plasma for grocery money, etc. The end of 2002, brought on age 30, and 2003 seems to be brining stability and sanity back to Dan's life, which means he'll have considerably more time for fonts and related fun. Stay tuned.