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Extra Light: Grotesque/Gothic Sans Serifs | FontShop
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Extra Light: Grotesque/Gothic Sans Serifs

Stephen Coles
Last edited July 14, 2014

Sans serif fam­i­lies some­times include a “Hair­line” or “Thin” font meant for large sizes. The fol­low­ing are those sans type­faces with a weight thin­ner than “Light”.

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Work to live, don’t live to work

In 1983, D. Stempel AG redesigned the famous Helvetica typeface for the digital age, creating Neue Helvetica for Linotype: a self-contained font family. Today, this family consists of 51 different font weights. It’s original numbering system for the weight designations came from Adrian Frutiger’s numbering system for the Univers family. The basic font weight, “Neue Helvetica Roman”, is at the... Read More

Max Miedinger and Linotype Design Studio
Linotype 1957
Nick Shinn
Lyubov Kuznetsova and Mikhail Rovensky