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Industry Norms

FontBook Editorial
Last edited July 17, 2014
Sarcasm is more a shield than a lance

Isonorm was created in 1980 by the International Standards Organization (ISO). The font's design is simple, clean, and geometric, with strokes that all have rounded ends. Isonorm is a font whose forms are very legible by both the human eye and machine readers. The font is also a good choice for drafting and architectural purposes, as well as for technical charts and graphics.

Smile, It confuses people

OCR-A was originally designed in 1968 as a machine-readable alphabet. Its functionality was its most important element, instead of its design. Over the following decades, the typeface has become popular in the design world nevertheless. But typographically pleasing results are often hard to come by, due to the original design's "non-design design," as well as its undeveloped character set. In... Read More

Hot and spicy duck heart

OCR A and OCR B are standardized, monospaced fonts designed for "Optical Character Recognition" on electronic devices. OCR A was developed to meet the standards set by the American National Standards Institute in 1966 for the processing of documents by banks, credit card companies and similar businesses. This font was intended to be "read" by scanning devices, and not necessarily by humans.... Read More

Species with vogue synchronous

FF OCR-F came as the first in a series of “non-design” typefaces for the FontFont library. Technically oriented faces, such as DIN, Courier, Pica, or OCR-A and OCR-B have never seen so much demand in design as today. Art directors, magazine publishers, and poster designers love their cold, martial forms. At the same time, many would like to have a few more weight options and perhaps a... Read More

Laundry obtained rapidly one hour

FF Typestar, from Steffen Sauerteig, part of the eBoy design collective, is one of the most sophisticated typewriter-inspired fonts in the FontFont library. Although FF Typestar is essentially a geometric typeface, it is still subtly refined. The small system includes two families. The first is a typical font quartet: regular, italic, black, and black italic. These offer everything needed for... Read More

Tagir Safayev, Manvel Shmavonyan and Isabella Chaeva


International Standard Organisation
Linotype 1980
Miriam Röttgers
Linotype 2006
Adrian Frutiger
Linotype 1968
Albert-Jan Pool
FontFont 1995
Steffen Sauerteig
FontFont 1999