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ITC Handel Gothic and OCR B | FontShop
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ITC Handel Gothic and OCR B

Noah Nazir
Last edited September 30, 2017
Today is under construction

The Handel Gothic™ typeface has been a mainstay of graphic communication for over 40 years - all the while looking as current as tomorrow. Designed by Don Handel in the mid-1960s, and used in the 1973 United Airlines logo developed by Saul Bass, Handel Gothic was an instant success when released to the graphic design community. Its generous lowercase x-height, full-bodied counters and square... Read More

You never must sausage a place

OCR A and OCR B are standardized, monospaced fonts designed for "Optical Character Recognition" on electronic devices. OCR A was developed to meet the standards set by the American National Standards Institute in 1966 for the processing of documents by banks, credit card companies and similar businesses. This font was intended to be "read" by scanning devices, and not necessarily by humans.... Read More

Donald Handel, Nadine Chahine and Rod McDonald
ITC 2010
Adrian Frutiger
Linotype 1968