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ITC Kristen and Linotype Trajanus
ITC Kristen is the work of American designer George Ryan. He describes it as "not your average text or display font." The inspiration for the design came from the handwritten menu at a neighborhood restaurant. With time, the forms moved away from the originals and towards something more like a child's scrawl. The result is singularly unique. ITC Kristen remains legible without losing any charm.
Warren Chappell named his typeface after the Roman Emperor Trajan (Marcus Ulpius Traianus, 53 - 117 AD), who ruled during the first and second century AD. Chappell chose this name as the capital letters in his design are based on the inscriptional letters found on the base of the famous Trajan Column in Rome. Trajanus' lowercase, like all lowercase letters, are not Roman per se, but rather... Read More