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ITC Tempus Sans and Imprint
ITC Tempus is the work of British designer Phill Grimshaw. He claims that every calligrapher's aspiration is to draw perfect roman capitals with a pen, but admits that this is extremely difficult. For this typeface, Grimshaw used a fountain pen on cheap, porous paper and, of course, the ink bled. The resulting forms are classic but their rugged edges deviate from the perfection of roman... Read More
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2 families
Neo Sans and ITC Tempus Sans and ITC Handel Gothic and ITC Tempus Serif
4 families
ITC Tempus Sans and Freestyle Script and Comic Sans and Batang
4 families
Colleton Trays fonts (Jayden, Annabel, Mabel, Verena, Sophia, Rhys)
11 families
ITC Tempus Sans and Alcuin
2 families
ITC Tempus Sans and Barbedor
2 families
Freestyle Script Alternatives
41 families
FF Letterine Alternatives
48 families