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FF Real Text and Head

Tyler McGowan
Last edited March 20, 2018
FF Real Text
FF Real Head

Heading and body typeface for the NVRC Public Art Brochure.

There is no smoking in the depths

FF Real was originally conceived by Erik Spiekermann as one text weight and one headline weight to be used as the only fonts in his biography ‘Hello I am Erik’, edited by Johannes Erler, and published in 2014. While Spiekermann drew the alphabets, he passed on the font data to Ralph du Carrois who cleaned it up and completed it. In the meantime FF Real has been extended to a family of two... Read More

Marry in haste, repent at leisure

FF Real was originally conceived by Erik Spiekermann as one text weight and one headline weight to be used as the only faces in his biography ‘Hello I am Erik’, edited by Johannes Erler, published in 2014. While Spiekermann drew the alphabets, he passed on the font data to Ralph du Carrois who cleaned it up and completed it. In the meantime FF Real has been extended to a family of two styles... Read More

Erik Spiekermann, Ralph du Carrois and Anja Meiners
FontFont 2015
Erik Spiekermann, Ralph du Carrois and Anja Meiners
FontFont 2015