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TDC2 2014 Award Winners | FontShop
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TDC2 2014 Award Winners

The Type Directors Club of New York awarded these typefaces a Certificate of Excellence in Type Design in its annual TDC2 competition.

Last edited December 08, 2014
Flirt Script
Metro Nova
FF Quixo

These selections won the recognition of the jury at the annual type design competition organized by the Type Directors Club of New York, a non-profit professional organization dedicated to educating its international membership and the graphic arts community about type, type design, and its myriad of uses in the field of communications.

The contest was judged by Andy Clymer, Jesse Ragan, Ellen Lupton, and Georg Seifert. Matteo Bologna chaired the jury.

Results were released Monday, 5 May 2014. This Fontlist shows all the winning designs that are offered through FontShop.

Carefully ground obstacle be care walk

Frank Grießhammer started FF Quixo out as graduation project while studying in the Type and Media program at KABK Den Haag. Learning pointed-pen calligraphy, he explored a more casual dimension by interpreting the model with different-sized brushes. In the typeface presented at graduation each of the weights is based on a different writing tool. Afterward, the concept was re-evaluated and... Read More

Neil Summerour
Positype 2010
William Addison Dwiggins and Toshi Omagari
Linotype 1930
Frank Grießhammer
FontFont 2013