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New Library Products 2014 - Font News

New Library Products 2014

The Complete Editions are getting even bigger:
new full versions for all our libraries
and reasonably priced upgrades

The Complete Editions bring together all OpenType fonts from the great libraries at an unbeatable price. Aimed at agencies and equipped with ten licenses, when you purchase the Linotype Originals OpenType Edition, the Monotype Library OpenType Edition and the ITC Library OpenType Edition you not only obtain many classic fonts, but also current fonts, all in a modern file format and with professional font features.
The three large library products are being expanded with other fonts and will appear in new versions. For the first time, this includes the Platinum Collection fonts, which are of a particularly high quality. Upgrades are available to owners of the previous editions.

Linotype Originals OpenType Edition

This edition, which contains classics like Helvetica, Frutiger, Optima but also Zapfino, Palatino Sans, Agilita and Vialog, has been expanded to 6,380 fonts from 4,388. New fonts include Agmena (TDC Winner 2013), Akko, Francker, Klint, Levato, Neue Haas Grotesk, Metro Nova, Neue Helvetica Compressed , Rabenau, Rameau, Sinova, Neue Swift, Vesta, Xenois and Yalta Sans. The complete Platinum Collection, however, with fonts like Avenir Next, the huge Compatil family, DIN Next, Eurostile Next, Neue Frutiger, Univers Next, Metro Nova, Neue Swift and Trade Gothic Next, is also included in the update.

Monotype Library OpenType Edition

In this unparalleled, versatile edition, you will find fonts for pratically every application. This includes classics like Plantin, Gill Sans, Dante and Rotis. However, modern fonts, like Neo Sans, Smart Sans and Mosquito Formal, are also a part of the edition. The 1,954 new fonts, which expand the edition to a total of 2,965, include Biome, Burlingame, Camphor, Classic Grotesque, Harmonia Sans, Koorkin, Massif, Rotis II and Ysobel, for example.

ITC Library OpenTypeEdition

Many decades of excellent font design come together in this edition. It includes not only classic text fonts, but also innovative display fonts, as well. This includes, for example, ITC Franklin Gothic, ITC Stone, ITC Officina and ITC Conduit. The update to this edition expands the number of fonts from 1,510 to 2,773. New fonts include Neue Aachen, ITC Stone Sans II, ITC New Esprit and ITC Chino.

How to get your upgrade:
Owners of the previous three libraries who want to upgrade to these new versions can get in touch with the contact person from our sales team.
Please note that these upgrades are not available from the web shop.